Spill Genie Inc. DBA Genie Environmental Solutions
Cleansing For a Brighter Future®

Product Development
Collaborators and partners for business development are essential for fostering growth and innovation within our company. By leveraging the expertise, resources, and networks of various collaborators, businesses can enhance their capabilities, expand market reach, and drive forward new initiatives. Establishing strong partnerships with other organizations, industry experts, and stakeholders can lead to mutually beneficial opportunities, increased efficiency, and a competitive edge in the market.
Sustainable & Renewable Energy
Our innovative products are designed to address hydrocarbon contamination effectively and are compliant with EPA standards. Our consultations with contracting firms and industry organizations have further validated our concepts and acceptance of the benefits of using Spill Genie in a market that is expected to grow by 3-8% by 2026.
Take Control of Your cleanup and client expectations
After 15 years of science-driven biological and environmental research, Spill Genie 3T, with over 3 trillion highly specialized microbes per 5 gallons, represents the future of bioremediation strategies for hydrocarbon clean-up of contaminated soils, sands, gravels, and nearshore areas. Our mission is to make a sustainable difference in the world.
Reduce manned entry in Storage Tanks
SG-ASL was originally developed to emulsify thicker and harder hydrocarbons to a liquefied state during a spill or other event and removed so that our bioremediation product could properly digest the oil and both operate at ambient temperature above freezing.
Business Development